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I’m an Associate Professor in visual data science at the School of Geography, University of Leeds and Director of Research & Innovation at Leeds Institute for Data Analytics. I joined Leeds in 2017 after completing a PhD and postdoc at the giCentre. I publish methods-oriented research in data visualization (IEEE TVCG | CGF) and spatial analysis (GA), as well as applied studies in transport (AAP | TRC | TRA) and geography (E&P A | E&P B | JoTG).
My work typically proposes, tests and applies visual methods that help analysts to understand and communicate complex (spatial) processes under uncertainty; I’m especially interested in how visualization relates to statistical issues (see Beecham and Lovelace 2023 and my recent Turing Methods Challenge w/ Cagatay Turkay). Many of these ideas are explored in my book, to be published with CRC Press in 2025 (development version).
This is what I’m doing right now.